1. Recommended Guidelines on Proof Consultancy Services for Highway Bridges (published in 2014)
2. Recommended Guidelines on Proof Consultancy Services for Buildings (published in 2015)
3. Commentary with Worked Examples for IRC:6-2017 : IAStructE is pleased to announce publication of Commentary with Worked Examples for IRC:6-2017, the IRC code for Loads & Load Combinations for design of Highway Bridges. The commentary and the Illustrative worked examples are printed in two separate volumes. Volume-1 of 2 pertains to the Commentary while Volume-2 of 2 pertains to Illustrative Worked Examples, which has 48 worked examples demonstrating application of various codal clauses.
The documents are now available for sale @ Rs 1200/- for Volume 1, and @ Rs 800/- for Volume II. Members of IAStructE and IRC will be entitled for a discount of 10% on this amount. Interested professionals who wish to purchase the commentary may kindly register with the following link or contact IAStructE Secretariat at iastructe@gmail.com:
Registration link: New IAStructE Publication
4. Guidelines for Structural Audit, Assessment, Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing buildings Structures : IAStructE has published this document to guide structural engineers in proper assessment of building structures before issuing structural stability certificate. This guideline may be used by IAStructE members, all other structural engineers, house owners, housing society welfare associations, clients and corporation engineers for structural audit of the private and public building structures. The Guideline focuses on the urgent need to strengthen risk resilience of buildings from any kind of risks due to earthquake and other hazards. It is hoped that this document will be useful to ensure that all structures across the country remain safe from any kind of disaster risk. It's a priced document and hence not freely downloadable. However one can read the document by following the link. Guidelines for Structural Audit
The price of this e-document is Rs 200/-. Interested professionals who wish to obtain the soft version of the Guideline in pdf format, may register with the following link. Registration Link: Guidelines for Structural Audit
5. Clause wise Commentary on IS: 13920 : This document has been finalised after wide ranging consultations & debate amongst civil & structural engineering fraternity. A workshop was also organised to discuss and debate various comments received from engineers. The Commentary has already been sent to the Bureau of Indian Standards for further action. The commentary is available on www.iastructe.co.in under IAStructE Professional Documents. IAStructE member can access this document after login.
6. Clause wise Commentary on IS: 1893 Part 1: This document has been finalized with the contribution of many members of the association. The Commentary has already been sent to the Bureau of Indian Standards for further action. The commentary is available on www.iastructe.co.in under IAStructE Professional Documents. IAStructE member can access this document after login.
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